Zeigen Sie Ihr Engagement für den Schutz,
indem Sie Mitglied von SwissSafeSport werden.
Clubs, organisations, associations, federations
Support your athletes and staff in ensuring your sport is a safe environment for all.
Encourage all to complete safeguard training, implement policies and safeguarding procedures with yearly reviews.
Sign up to become a member and display our logo on your site to show your commitment to protecting all involved. We will display your logo which informs parents and the sporting world that you are committed to safeguarding.
Quoi mettre en place? Nous vous simplifions la tache!

As a parent, you play a key role in checking that your child's sporting environment is safe and enjoyable.
Sign up for below to see our safeguarding awareness video and receive updates on safeguarding, mental health awareness and athlete safety in sport, giving you great tools to support your child athlete.
Check to see if your club is committed to safeguarding. Do they have a SwissSafeSport badge? Have they displayed signed up to SwissSafeSport and displayed our logo?
All those with responsibility for athletes, paid or voluntary. Coaches, referees, board members, management, drivers e.g.
It is essential that all involved in sport complete safeguard training and understand safeguard processes, to help make sport a safer environment for all.
Sign up to ensure your commitment to safeguarding, to access updates on safeguarding in sport, be the first to know when our courses are available as well as mental health awareness information.
Einzelmitglied: C hf 50
Geschäftsmitglied: chf 200
Mitglied der Sportorganisation (abhängig von der Größe des Vereins)
0-50 Mitglieder: Chf 100
51 -150 Mitglieder: Chf 200
151+ Mitglieder: Chf 300
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von SwissSafeSport
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